lunedì 30 giugno 2014

"Murder in code" - Zero


Night, the wind caresses the sea, the city and the skin.
Hot day by the end of June and now the asphalt still returns the heat of the sun.
The road, under the wheels of the bike, runs as fast as if it choses to be alone, guided by instinct and rage.
"A little trip is what it takes," thought Paul.
He likes, after dinner, goes around the city, especially if deserted on a Tuesday in late June.
There is no effort on the pedals and so the roads one after another, in a maze of intersections.
To find yourself on the deck of the devil, almost without realizing it.
In the balance between story and superstition. And choosing the wrong way is easier than one might think.

"Murder in code"

Here you are.
I'm going to publish my first twitter-based book.
It is a crime novel.
I'm going to puslish the first part, the pilot.
Read it and let me know what do u think and which way to follow.


mercoledì 18 giugno 2014

Radiology_Tutor app

Mobile apps are becoming so important in our daily life and especially in medical practice I believe we are going very soon into a "medicine of apps".
On the stores, there are an huge amount of apps, useful or not.
So here you are one of mine prefered app: Radiology Tutor.
It is a radiological calculator app with several calculators freely avaible (oncology, adrenal wash-out..).
In a busy working day, if you are reporting a total body CT exam and need to stage for example a lung cancer with this app it is easy to do if you don't have an oncology book with you.
If worst a try and you will not delete it from your mobile phone.




Windows Phone Marketplace

lunedì 16 giugno 2014

Chest Xray Tutorials

Chest Xray exam is one of the most important and performed imaging test in an hospital workflow.
A radiologist must have a good knowledge of chest xray anatomy, normal findings and signs of diseases detectable with this exam.
So we all need a refresh on chest xray and here you are some of the best learning tutorials I found on internet.
They are all free, well done and easy to access.
So have a good week of study and work.
If you know another tutorials, please let me know and send me links.


venerdì 13 giugno 2014

Adrenal Characterization

Today I wanna write you about an interesting website mainly focused on chest imaging.
Calculator section is a rich part of the site, with important and useful tools that you can need in your clinical practice and generally you don't know where you can find specially when you are in hurry.
Adrenal adenomas are incidental lesions, which can be evaluated with CT exam.
CT contast medium wash-out is the best way to diagnose adrenal adenoma and this calculator help you to study an adrenal lesion.
Very helpful.



giovedì 12 giugno 2014


Health is the new, brand business core.
In next years, technology will take healthcare and bring it to a further level.
I believe medical doctor will take care of the patient before he will be ill. Wellness is the future.
We will face people who are healthy and wanna check their medical conditions with lab tests, imaging.
Medical doctor have to be prepared.
And Apple with their new apps, Health and HealthKit, is going in this direction.
As a radiologist, I hope Apple and also Google will enter as more as possible in healthcare because we need apps and software in clinical pratice and also patients have to be more conscious of their health.
Prepare yourself future is bright.


venerdì 6 giugno 2014

A 12 years old scientist

I'm so astonished by little scientists. Gio

Are we going to pay with smartphones?

How smartphone are changing our lifes. Gio

Radiology today - June 2014

The June digital edition is now available!
Have a good reading :-)
